Museum News (March 25, 2024)

By: Press Release
| Published 03/26/2024

Second grader, Kline Deaton (Quinter), had an unexpected opportunity to try his hand at painting during his visit to the Hansen Museum on Saturday, March 23rd. Also pictured are workshop instructor David Vollbracht (Medicine Lodge) and participant V

On display in the Hansen Museum galley is the 63rd Annual Members Exhibition of the Society of Animal Artists (SAA). The SAA is an elite organization of world-renowned animal artist. Currently, the SAA has over 500 members residing in 25 countries. Each year these members compete to have their work included in the annual exhibition. Subject matter is open to the entire spectrum of the animal kingdom. This exhibition contains 45 flatworks and 15 sculptures.

This exhibition contains some unique mediums such as papercut art. Woodcock by Swiss-born artist Lucrezia Bieler is the most magnificent work of a woodcock hen fully camouflaged amongst some dry leaves on the ground as she forages for earthworms. What makes this piece so incredibly astonishing is that it is exquisitely cut out by scissors from a single piece of black paper. Bieler’s work reflects the delicacy and fragility of nature. Pointedly she chose to work with a single piece of paper to symbolize all things are interconnected. Her work is a visual discussion of interactions in nature and the flow of life. Her artwork is meant to reflect harmony and balance. Bieler’s Woodcock is unlike anything the Hansen Museum has ever displayed. Her work is both extensively complex yet elegantly simply. You can see Woodcock in the Art and the Animal Exhibition on display through May 26, 2024.

Not all painters would be so kind to let a 2nd grader take over their canvas in the middle of a two-day painting workshop, but Mike Korte is that kindhearted. The Vollbracht Oil Painting workshop took place Friday and Saturday March 22nd & 23rd in the Community Room. On Saturday afternoon, Kline Deaton and his grandparents from Quinter came to visit the Museum. During their visit Kline became fascinated with the painters in the other room. Encouraging his interest, the painters welcome Kline into their class. Workshop participant, Mike Korte offered Kline the opportunity to paint on the painting he was working on. Instructor, David Vollbracht, even took the time to give Kline one-on-one guidance. It was beautiful to see the joy of art being fostered in the young.

Upcoming continuing education opportunities at the Hansen Museum include the Joy of Painting Class on April 13th & 14th, Basket Weaving Class on April 20th, and Encaustic (Wax Painting) Class on May 22nd. Call 785-689-4846 for information or visit us at

There is always something happening at the Hansen Museum. Keep up to date with Museum happenings by following the Museum Facebook page. The Museum is open Mon. through Fri. 9-12 and 1-4; Sat. 9-12 & 1-5; Sun. and holidays 1-5. We are closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. We are handicapped accessible, and admission is always free thanks to the generous support of the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. For more information or if you have questions, please contact us at 785-689-4846. We hope to see you at the Museum!