Museum News (May 6, 2024)

Published 05/06/2024

Color makes them happy! Logan Kindergarteners explore color with Play-Doh during a visit to the Hansen Museum.

We are excited to announce an addition to the Museum team, Dave Schneider, who is our new Grounds and Maintenance Supervisor. Dave started work on April 17 th and has been diligently learning the ropes. A jack of all trades, Dave has extensive experiencewith landscaping as well as building maintenance. He certainly is not afraid of hard
work as he has already begun a major landscaping project. The plan is to remove bushes on the south side of the Museum, excavate old lava rock, haul dirt to level, and complete the area by laying in river rock and sod. Please join us in welcoming Dave to the Museum and keep watch on Facebook for progress photos of the landscaping project.

Last Friday we had fun exploring color with our friends from Mrs. VanLaeys Kindergarten class. Together we reviewed the primary colors and from there we moved on to secondary and tertiary colors. After discussing colors, we practiced making them with Play-Doh. Using a color wheel as a guide, we made educated guesses to blend primary colors to make secondary colors and then blended primary and secondary colors to make tertiary colors. The children were fantastic listeners and showed incredibly good reasoning skills when deducing which colors to blend. We have enjoyed this year’s class and look forward to meeting the new kindergarteners in the fall. Thank you, Mrs. VanLaeys for including Museum visits in your program–it is often our favorite day of the month!

May’s Artist of the Month is Jean Newlin from Marysville, Kansas. Jean, a trained jeweler, makes the most incredible silver, nickel, and copper jewelry. Some pieces include stones while others are simply elegant and focus on the beauty of the medal. Hand forged, no two pieces are alike—one can truly buy a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry. Jean’s work will be on display and available for sale throughout the month of May.

There is still time to see our current exhibition, Art and the Animal. The paintings in this exhibit are incredible! The artists displayed in this exhibit are world-class. The painting styles range from hyperrealist to representational with a couple of pieces that straddle categories. The sculpture and carvings are lovely as well, but the paintings steal the show. Artists will appreciate the genius, animal lovers will be overjoyed, and aesthetes will revel in the bounty for their eyes. Art and the Animal will remain on view through May 26 th . Please make plans to see the work of some of the best animal artists
in the world.

The Museum is open Mon. through Fri. 9-12 and 1-4; Sat. 9-12 & 1-5; Sun. and holidays 1-5. We are closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. We are handicapped accessible, and admission is always free thanks to the generous support of the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. For more information or if you have questions, please
contact us at 785-689-4846. We hope to see you at the Museum!