Panthers move record to 2-0 on the season after taking down Smith Center

By: Brynn Billings
| Published 09/17/2024

During the Smith Center game on Friday, Sept. 13, the defensive line gets ready to push the Redmen back. Photo by Kodie Wood

On Friday Sept. 13, the Phillipsburg High School football team travelled to Smith Center to take on the Redmen.

A couple of minutes into the first quarter, the Panthers were able to find the endzone for their first touchdown.

They went on to defeat the Redmen 26-6, bringing the Panther’s record to 2-0 on the season.

Individually, junior Tanner Horinek had 135 rushing yards and two touchdowns. Following Horinek, Seth Keeten and Colin Springer each had one touchdown to boost the Panther’s score.

Junior quarterback C. Springer found senior S. Keeten for receiving yards.

As the Panthers continued to battle the Redmen, junior EJ Hall had four tackles, along with seniors Hunter Sisson and Cole Keeten who had three tackles each.

The Panthers had many linemen find and take down the opposing team. Senior Caden Seems found the Redmen quarterback and took him down to add a sack to the stats.

The Phillipsburg Panther Football team will be in action Friday, Sept. 20, to take on the TMP-Monarchs for Homecoming.