Logan Elementary students use poster-making skills to promote change

By: Shannon Kats
| Published 03/03/2025


In December of each year, Phillips County Conservation District has a poster contest for the 4th-6th grade. The theme for 2024 was “Home is Where the Habitat Is.”

Harper Delimont’s poster was selected for the Top Ten Award. Harper is a 6th grader at Logan.

In 2024, KidWind, introduced their 1st Annual National Wind Energy Art Challenge. KidWind is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Wind Energy Technologies Office. Students in grades Kindergarten - 8th grade across the United States were invited to create artwork on the theme "Beautiful Wind Energy".

Logan's 5-7th grade participated in the 2024 Challenge. Daphne Hermanson and Helen Prewo were acknowledged as having created Honorable Mention posters. The students each received a $100 gift card.