City Council Meeting (May 21, 2024)

Published 06/10/2024


The Phillipsburg City Council met in a special meeting on May 21, 2024, 5:30 P.M, at 945 2nd Street, Phillipsburg, KS for the object and purpose of an executive session to discuss North West Kansas Planning & Housing

PRESENT: Mayor Bret Miles, Councilmembers Brian Shrader; Don Roberts; Jeannette Harris; Lauren Weinert; Mike James.

ABSENT: Terry McConnell;

ALSO PRESENT: Jason Dibble; Tim and Shawn Ellenberger; Ruth Ellenberger; Max Dibble; Randy Hrabe; Tim Driggs, City Administrator. Don & Mary Smith arrived at 5:45pm

The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States was led by Mayor Bret Miles.

Discussion was held about housing project plat that was submitted by the Planning commission. Miles discussed the original project request from developer was for no tax payer money would be required. Discussed special tax districts for new housing development. James requested that something needs to be put in the minutes that if something was to go wrong with the drainage then Northwest Kansas would be responsible to correct it. Discussion continued about easements and drainage. Miles asked about additional grants that would be available. Shrader asked for clarification on option A flooding possibilities and adding additional height of curb to help control.

Motion by Shrader to approve preliminary plat with option A with northwest Kansas. Roberts seconded motion. Voting Aye: ALL. Opposed: NONE

Moved by Shrader, seconded by Harris to adjourn- time. 6:14 pm. Voting Aye: ALL. Opposed: NONE.